Paper Publications
[1] 李祥. DreamFont3D: Personalized Text-to-3D Artistic Font Generation. 2024.
[2] 李祥. DreamFont3D: Personalized Text-to-3D Artistic Font Generation. 2024.
[3] 杨泽世. Learning based 2D Irregular Shape Packing. 2023.
[4] 简俊桃. AffordPose: A Large-scale Dataset of Hand-Object Interactions with Affordance-driven Hand Pose. 2023.
[5] Patil, Akshay Gadi. Advances in Data-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Indoor Scenes. Computer Graphics Forum, 2023.
[6] 牛成杰. RIM-Net: Recursive Implicit Fields for Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Shape Structures. 2022.
[7] 余锋根. CAPRI-Net: Learning Compact CAD Shapes with Adaptive Primitive Assembly. 2022.
[8] 董秋杰. Laplacian2Mesh: Laplacian-Based Mesh Understanding. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023.
[9] . Let's All Dance: Enhancing Amateur Dance Motions. COMPUTATIONAL VISUAL MEDIA, 531, 2023.